Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Regarding the history of Metal Music

Regarding the history of Metal Music

Heavy Metal

More nuanced loud metal music, and has a slightly faster tempo, but so many people love this metal music, metal music possible for the They can make them feel the beauty of the world, and making them uncomfortable to hear and sing.

Year 60'an metal music in dubbed "heavy metal", this year also mention Blues Rock bands like Led Zeppelin, AC / DC Classic metal and around the 60s to 70's or so-called Classic Rock bands such as Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Deep Purple, Alice Cooper.

In San Francisco there Testament and Exodus, New Jersey there Overkill and Sepultura from Brazil, then in 1990'an, underground is more entered into the Extreme metal like Black metal initiated by rock bands such as Venom, Mayhem, Bathory, Mercyull Fate and the Death Metal vocals that tend to use a low growl and much screamnya developed in 1991 by a Scandinavian death metal Entombed, Dismember, Unleashed, and at The Gates Melodic Death metal from Gothenburg Sweden and developed in Finland and Norway by bands such as Arch Enemy, Dark Tranquillity, Disessction. Florida Death metal is a derivative of music from thrash metal bands Kreator and Destruction spawned band band from Florida that seem more brutal metal in the Techical pioniri by Cynic (later evolved into Aghora), Atheist, Immolation, Death. Progressive Death metal may be more inclined to use traditional visualization and many were understandable, pioneering is Opeth, Pestilence, Death, Novembre and possibly Progressive metal by Dream Theater.


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