Saturday, November 24, 2012

About History Blogger and Blogspot

history bloggerAbout History Blogger and Blogspot

The first blog is most likely the What's New page at Mosaic browser made by Marc Andersen in 1993. If we still remember, Mosaic was the first browser before the Internet Explorer even before Netscape. Then in January 1994 Justin Hall launch her personal website Justin's Home Page which then turned into Links from the Underground which may be called the first blog as we know it today.

In 1997, Jorn Barger, a programmer who also manage a website online diary "robot wisdom" coined the term weblog is taken from the word "logging the web". Logging can be interpreted enter. So, logging the web can mean "enter site". Correlations were beginning at that time blogger is a person who entered into the wilderness of the web and links to interesting sorting based on his opinion.

Until 1998, the number of blogs out there not yet how. This is because the time required expertise and specialized knowledge of website creation, HTML and web hosting to create a blog, so that only those working in the field of Internet, System Administrator or Web Designer who later in his spare time creating their own Blog-Blog.

In 1999, Peter Merholz mention the term weblog as a wee-blog, and eventually created a blog just short. The person who manages the blog later called "blogger".

Still in the same year, precisely on August 1999, a Silicon Valley company called Pyra Labs launched its service that allows anyone with a basic knowledge of HTML can create their own blog online for free. Although before that (July 1999) to make the service free online blog that has existed Pitas and Blogger have made increased to hundreds.

From that point everything changed. Increasingly, more and more people are making the blog. The growth of blogs became increasingly significant as Pitas released in July 1999. is a web service that allows people who do not even have the ability to html even able to create and manage blogs.

In Februari2003, due to its popularity, eventually Pyra Labs was acquired by Google. This acquisition memnyebabkan premium features that were previously charged, then turns free.

In 2004, Google introduced its new service "Picasa", which is an application for organizing and editing digital photos. The service is then integrated in photo sharing utility Hello into Blogger, allowing a user of Blogger to post their pictures made in your blog.

On May 9, 2004, "Blogger" to redesign the main display, various changes were made in the Blogger by adding features such as web standards-compliant templates, individual archive pages for posts, comments and posting menggunankan email.

On 14 August 2006, "Blogger" launched the latest release in the "beta" code "invader", along with the release version of Gold. This makes the migration of users to Google servers and is accompanied by the addition of some "new features" in it.

In December 2006, the latest version of Blogger is finally no longer in "beta" and the "May 2007", Blogger has really moved to Google servers. itself now has millions of bloggers use their services with growth of around 20% per month. Even in Indonesia the daily increase of about 600 new blogs. Whether it's new or old blogger blogger who made a new blog kagak know.

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